Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Atlanta - Carter Library

Today, we start the trek home.  We headed for Atlanta to have a stop at the Carter Library. What was surprising was how quickly Carter rose in politics, after he figured out that he could make a bigger contribution to the world by being a politician rather a naval officer. He ran for State Senate and won, serving two terms, then ran for Governor lost the first time, but won the second. And from there ran for President in 1976. His biggest accomplishments were the Israel-Egypt peace accord. This accord was negotiated at Camp David without Menachem Begin or Anwar Sadat ever negotiating directly over the course of 12 Days. He also negotiated for the return of the Iranian captives, which happened on the day Regan became President. 

Camp David Peace Accord

Of course, his biggest accomplishments were after his Presidency. The Carter Center started by encouraging and monitoring free elections in new democracies, worked to cure the common illnesses in 3rd world countries, and helped with relief efforts in these same countries. For this work, Carter received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Peace Prize. In the evening, we had dinner with Bob and Lisa Biagoni in downtown Roswell, GA. They really have a nice downtown with lots of restaurants. Bob and I were both EE students at Illinois Tech and fraternity brothers. (The only fraternity brother with whom I still have regular communication.) We stayed that night at the Atlanta-Marietta RV Park. This is an older park with very small sites and poor WiFi. 

Presidential Medal of Freedom for the Carters

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