Friday, May 5, 2017

Houston, TX

Bayou Bend Collection

We drove this morning to the outskirts of Houston. We couldn’t believe the traffic and construction as we approached the city. It almost looks like they are trying to double the size of each of their major highways. Advanced RV Resort is a relatively new campground with a beautiful layout, but it is right next to two major highways. They’ve done their best to dampen the noise with walls and trees. We lucked out with a shady site right next to the trees. This afternoon we visited the Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens. The mansion is a museum of 18th and 19th century furnishings. It was donated to the city by Ima Hogg, daughter of a former Texas governor. We took the self-guided tour, where you can call a phone number with your cell phone and it describes the rooms you are visiting. The gardens are simple and quiet.

Afterward, we ventured downtown to see Tranquility Park, dedicated to Apollo 11. We parked just as the meter man was coming. A car was just leaving and gave us their permit – we had a pleasant conversation with the meter man about Houston and the tents being set up in the nearby park for some kid’s activity the next day. Tranquility park is named for the Sea of Tranquility, the landing spot for Apollo 11. A large fountain dominates the park. 

Tranquility Park

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