Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Texas Hill Country

Hill Country Flowers

As we travel toward San Antonio, the country begins to change from the flat plains of Western Texas to the Hill country around San Antonio. Wild flowers appear in most of the ditches, just above them are cactus growing underneath the trees. As we continue, the cactus start to disappear. As one might expect we pass lots of wide-load trucks carrying wind turbine parts. The Abiline KOA we’re staying at is a beautiful park and it’s only a 10 minute drive from the Alamo. Last time we were here, we spent a lot of time touring the Alamo and the missions around the town. We’re going to try out some different sights tomorrow. But we head for the River Walk to enjoy the walk and have dinner. Many folks are walking the Walk and others are touring via the boats that ply the river. We enjoy the historical plaques that dot the walk, surprised that this walk originally was conceived in the 1920's. We decide to try out an Irish pub for dinner, enjoying the beer and the traditional Irish fare. It’s a pleasant evening to be outdoors with the temperature in the 80’s so the shade of the River Walk is welcome. 

San Antonio River Walk

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