Monday, May 22, 2017

Hollywood Studios

Tower of Terror

We had hoped to do both the Tower of Terror and the Roller Coaster without Fast Passes, but I made the wrong first choice to the Tower, and the line was 90 minutes long for the roller coaster when we were done. Our favorite ride here is Toy Story and we had fun shooting at all the targets. They are adding a lot more Star Wars activities since we were last here, including a movie on how they film the series as well as character visits. The Star Tours ride had changed since we were last here and it was much improved. 

Darth in front of Star Tours

We ate a Mama Rosas for lunch and had a delicious Chicken Parmesan. It came with prime seating for Fantasmics that evening. We left the park at about 4 PM with plans to return about 7:30, but it was pouring rain and lightning was flashing, so much for Fantasmics.

Mary and a Sand Person

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