Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sudbury, Ontario

We headed through Northern Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan, crossing the border at Sault Ste. Marie. Most of the terrain was typical North Woods. We just missed a big fire which was only 30 miles away from our planned campsite. In Sudbury, we stopped to see Dynamic Earth, a chance to see and here about mining in this area. They believe that a meteorite crashed into the earth here – long before humans were in existence. This left this entire area rich with minerals, especially copper. The tour consisted of entering an exhibit mine (we were only down 65 feet) and then seeing how mining was conducted in the 1900, 1950, and 2000. Going from candles and picks, awls, and hammers as the typical environment, to florescent lighting, hydraulic, water cooled drills, and robotic controlled heavy equipment. While we were in the mine, we could hear and feel the blasting of a nearby active mine. Definitely, a great stop if you had kids, but also quite interesting to us.

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