Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nova Scotia

Peggy's Cove
Today, we continued down the Atlantic coast to the quaint village of Peggy’s Cove. Our waitress had recommended this as the best sight and it was unique. This is the only place where we saw huge granite boulders everywhere, along with quaint houses among the rocks. We took lots of pictures with the weather just gorgeous. We continued along the coast for quite a ways to the town Lunenberg. Lunenberg is a world heritage site because they’ve preserved most of the original buildings from the 19th century along two of their main streets. We rode along the streets, but didn’t consider it worth stopping. Then we crossed Nova Scotia from the Atlantic to the Bay of Fundy side, stopping at Port Royale. They’ve recreated the original 1607 French settlement from pictures and diaries. The place was only here for about 8 years before the British burned it down, but it marked one of the first settlements in French America.

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