Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Acadia National Park

View from Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park

We got the last RV site in the park last night. Today, we spent the day riding around the island. The park consists of donated land, primarily from John D. Rockefeller. As part of the donation, he also built a series of carriage roads which allow bikes, hikers, and horses, but no cars. We timed our visit to Thunder Hole perfectly; the tide was coming into this rectangular rock formation just right. About every 4 minutes the wave would crash into the rock creating a thunder like sound. The drive along the coast is beautiful; lots of rocky coast with islands dotting the sea. The other highlight was going to the top of Cadillac Mountain, the highest (1500 feet) mountain on the Atlantic seaboard. From there you could see the entire Mt Desert island, where the park is located, off to the sea in every direction.

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