Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Traveling along Cape Breton

We had a beautiful campsite last night in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Today, we started along the coast going up and down the highlands (about 450 meters high) several times. We never did sight any whales and have still not seen a moose, though we’ve seen lots of signs warning of moose. There were many beautiful pull-outs along the highway, even if it was a cloudy day. As we left the park it started pouring rain, which it did almost the entire trip to Halifax. Going along the coasts took a lot of time, so that we arrived in Halifax about 5:00 PM with most of the sights (the Citadel and the Marine Museum) closed and the rain still pouring down. So we went down to the wharf area and had a great dinner next to the Ocean.

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