Monday, August 13, 2007

Quebec City, Quebec

Chateau Frontenac Hotel

As we had read in the War Museum, Canada went from French to British control on the Plains of Abraham during a 30 minute battle. The British in one desperate attempt before winter set in landed their troops and climbed the cliffs to the plains of Abraham under the cover of darkness. The French were surprised to see them there and made the mistake of leaving the high ground to engage them in battle. 30 minutes later they were defeated. The British concerned about invasion from America, built the citadel, a huge fort on top of the hills which could protect both the mouth of the St. Lawrence and the city itself. We toured the citadel as well as a walking tour of the old town, still within its city walls and filled with many historic churches. If one didn’t know better you would think you were in France, all the buildings and streets had that type of flavor.

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