Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Transport Museum (Verkenhrshaus der Schweiz)

A child enjoying an exhibit on gliders (first built in 1892)

Today is our free day in Lucerne, but we woke up to pouring rain. We decided to join Manuela in the morning for a bus ride along the shoreline in some residential neighborhoods. It was a chance to get out of the hotel without getting very wet. On the way back, we visited the transport museum, which explains how we get around from stage coaches to Mars rovers. This museum was the best I've seen for having activities that keep the children entertained and learning, while also having interesting adult exhibits. The schools were out, so it was packed with kids. 

Model of Gotthard Tunnel

My personal highlights included:
·         The steam and electric train engines especially the explanations around the cog railways.
·         The exhibit about building the Gotthard tunnel, 57 km. long between Switzerland and Italy at a cost of $12 billion.
·         The model ships and the science of Hydroplanes.
·         Submarines and deep-water exploration.
·         The exhibit on gas and hot air balloons.
·         Some of the early gliders and planes.
·         And finally some of the Mars lander’s including the planned 2020 mission.

Cog Railway car for Mt. Pilatus Railway outside Lucerne

We were exhausted after 2 ½ hours and headed back to the hotel to relax.

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