Thursday, October 17, 2019


Porta Negra

Trier was founded by the Roman’s in 16 BC and had a bridge across the Mosel making it an important town. It later became the capital of the western Roman Empire with a population of 60,000. One of four gates into the town was the Porta Negra, built in the 2nd century and still standing because it was incorporated into a church, later destroyed by Napoleon. The gate consists of 7200 sandstone blocks held together by iron clamps.

Electoral Palace

The Roman’s built an Imperial Hall here in 400 AD which also remains standing. 220 ft by 100 and 130 ft high. It was incorporated into a church, then during the time of the Bishop/electors, it was the electoral hall, then part of a palace, and today a protestant church. During Roman times, it had windows and underfloor and wall heating. Next to the Hall is the Electoral Palace, home of the Bishop and Electors from the 16th to 18th century.

Dom Cathedral

After lunch, I visited the 13th century gothic style Church of our Lady as well as the 4th century Dom Cathedral. In the crypt of the cathedral was the roll of bishops from 250 till today. Behind the altar is the Chapel of the Seamless Robe, said to be worn by Jesus before his crucifixion.

Altar from the Dom

The Museum of the Dom has a model of the four Trier basilicas as they were in 380, a 3D model of some of the excavations around the basilica as well as Roman ceilings and other artifacts found in Trier. There also many of the original carvings and statues from the two churches. Quite an interesting collection!

European Union discussion

The European Union today is 28 countries with 500 million people and 24 official languages (out of about 200). There is an annual income difference of 15X between Luxemburg and Bulgaria. In 1951, the Union began with six members. Robert Schuman who was born in Luxemburg, but lived in Mainz under both German and French rule, proposed the Coal and Steel Community as a way to stop the never ending European wars. The EU has 3 capitals: Strasburg, Brussels, and Luxemburg. The Senate consisting of the leaders of each country sets the budget for a 5-year period, based on each country paying a set fee per person (currently 86 euros).  The Court of Justice adjudicates between states or between individuals and states. There are three countries Switzerland, Norway and Iceland that are members of the common market, but not the EU.
What happens with Brexit? (which is supposed to happen at the end of the month) Short term there will be huge slowdowns of the 9000 trucks per day that go between the EU and the UK. Some restaurants and stores in Britain have large storage reserves to reduce the effect. Ireland has built Brexit Buster ships to ship directly to France instead of going through the UK. It will be difficult without any trade agreement!

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