Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Back to Minneapolis

Mississippi in the rain

We woke up to overcast and rain and most of our trip along the river was disappointing. We managed again to get lost a couple times, but quickly recovered. The hardest part was a bridge that had moved, so our directions set us off in funny directions. We discovered that we were backtracking where we had been, took up the phone, and found out that we should have headed straight off the bridge rather than taking a right turn. We had lunch with Cindy in Burnsville and then headed off to Laura’s. We went out to dinner at the Chianti Grill in Roseville. We should have made a reservation because our 40 minute wait stretched to over an hour before we were seated, but the food was good. 

The next day, we headed on down the Mississippi river on U.S. 61. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and foggy along most of the trip. At Lacrosse, we stopped for lunch and then headed to Appleton for Eric Balza’s wedding on Saturday. 

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