Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Audubon Aquarium

Upside-down Jelly Fish

We spent most of our day at the Audubon Aquarium. They have sections on Maya and the coral reefs of the Caribbean, the Amazon, the Mississippi, and the Gulf Coast. There is something about aquariums, it’s relaxing watching the fish, interesting to learn about fish you've never seen, and the eyes are delighted by the colors and shapes. The section on the Gulf was most relaxing, the Amazon most interesting, and the Caribbean most colorful. They also had the penguins, otters, frogs, turtles, sea horses, and jelly fish (even upside-down and lion’s mane) to add additional interest. We also saw a 3D IMAX feature on Lemurs, which was good.

Jazz Concert

In early afternoon, we walked along the shore to the National Park celebrating Jazz. They were having a concert in the old U.S. Mint. The Park Ranger was a mean piano player in a small combo group. He would play various jazz numbers and answer questions from the audience on jazz in New Orleans. Afterwards we toured the mint – old equipment and coins from 1832-68 that were minted there. Then we completed our tour of the French Quarter. While we were having a beer at Lafitte’s Black Smith shop, the whole quarter was screaming with sirens. We walked down Royale Street and found why there was so much commotion, a side of a building and its iron balcony had collapsed. It looked like they must have also had some injuries. We stopped for a sandwich at the Clover Grill (an old fashioned tiny place). By the time we made it back to the hotel, it was 6 and we were tired. 

 Collapsed Building

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