Sunday, September 14, 2008


Mary with John and Betty

Today is primarily a drive and visit friends day. We started off with a scare, however. When leaving the campground, I looked behind me and noticed my trailer wheel was wobbling. The entrance to the park was 10 miles of very winding road, and it must have loosened the nuts on one of the wheels from all the bending back and forth. One of the bolts was actually sheered off, but I managed to tighten the other 5 nuts and we rode the rest of the day without incident (checking the lug nuts at every rest stop).
Tonight, we had dinner with John and Betty Calabria, whom we had met on the Machu Pichu trip. We had a delicious dinner primarily fruits and vegetables from their garden with the family recipe for Italian sausage. Of course, we shared travel stories for most of the evening and witnessed a beautiful Appalachian Mountain sunset.