Sunday, September 28, 2008

Little Rock, Arkansas

Today’s visit was to the Bill Clinton Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. The museum started with his campaign for president and then went through the years ticking off the major accomplishments of his administration. In separate alcoves were major themes, like health care, economics, environment, the fight against terrorism. Here they summarized their positions and what progress as made. Now to some extent this was quite self serving on the other hand, it seemed amazing how much better off we were at the end of Clinton’s term than we are now: the economy was booming, worker productivity had soared, the government was running a surplus, we had helped Kosovo and Bosnia, but weren’t in the mess of Iraq; the new welfare system was working, and we had worked on preserving Social Security. Now some of this was the luck of the times, but some credit most go to his administration. The tour ended in a duplicate of the Oval Office, which was kind of neat.