Monday, September 29, 2008

Oklahoma City, OK

Well, today was a rough ride, Oklahoma’s I-40 must be one of the worst highways I’ve been on. Our primary stop was the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. The museum starts with a lot of Western Art, including many paintings and sculptures by Russell and Remington. We were particularly impressed by one painting (I don’t remember the painter) which was of a cowboy leaning in a door, it looked 3 dimensional, and his boots seemed to point at you, no matter which angle you were looking from. We particularly enjoyed the display of cowboys from movies and TV – a lot of familiar names and many memories as we watched the film shorts. They also had a sizable section on Indian art. There were also sections on rodeo events, the soldier and cavalry in the west, a model Western town, and of course, guns and revolvers. If you are into Western Art, this is a top attraction. For us, it was an interesting museum. We ended the day by visiting the Oklahoma City National Memorial, commerating the 1995 bombing of the federal building. Here between the gates of time are the 168 chairs representing the people who died in the bombing.

The Memorial with gates of time, reflecting pool, and empty chairs

From here, we’re heading home without any major stops. We accomplished our major objectives: seeing the new museums and monuments in Washington D.C. a lot of civil war battlefields, and visiting all 50 states. What sticks in our minds most though is re-living so much of the civil rights movement from the 50's and 60s.

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