Sunday, August 26, 2018

Yellowstone Grand Loop

Whirligig Geyser, Norris

Today, we're taking the Grand Loop to see the Northern part of the Park. At Norris, we took the back basin trail. We were shocked to see that Steamboat Geyser, which often doesn't erupt for years, had erupted 4 days earlier! We still enjoyed the other features: Emerald pool, Echinus Geyser and the sizzling Black Pit Spring. As we were heading back Vixen Geyser was playing for the tourists, it quit soon after we arrived. But the most colorful displays were the views of Porcelain Basin with its pastel colors.

Porcelain Basin

We headed up to Mammoth Hot Springs, but only a few areas of the terrace were active: grassy spring, Cupid Spring, and the Mound Terrace. We completed the loop around the park, stopping at Tower Falls. Next time we'll have to spend more time in the Northeast section of the park.

Mound Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs

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