Thursday, August 23, 2018

West Thumb

Black Pool

We headed up to Yellowstone today, stopping at the Visitor Center for the exhibits and movie about the 1988 Yellowstone fire. We had been in the park that year about a month before it engulfed about 1/3 of the park. The Park service faced a lot of criticism about their fire policies. People were worried that the park had been destroyed. Today, we can observe how letting the fires burn actually replenished the park.

Colors along the Lake at West Thumb

The thermal features at West Thumb are not spectacular, but since they are on Lake Yellowstone, the surrounding scenery makes it special. Reading about the history of the features, you understand how they transition between active geysers, pools, and some just dry up.

Natural Bridge

In the afternoon I took the short hike to Natural Bridge. The trail to the top of the bridge has been refurbished, allowing anyone to climb up. The campfire talk that night was on the history of Yellowstone Park. The ranger who gave it told great stories, it was the funniest history lesson I've ever heard. I got to talking to the woman next to me, Liz, she graduated from my high school 4 years after I did.

Marmot in the rocks of Natural Bridge

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