Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Last Chance Tour

We took the Last Chance Tour of the town. It toured the Capitol area, the downtown, and then the mansions built by those who discovered gold or sold supplies to the miners. The main street in town is paved over Last Chance Creek where  the gold was discovered in 1864. There are quite a few strangely shaped building because they take their shape from the original gold claim.

Alex C. Johnson Residence

The capital building is rather small, but very ornate. Helena became the permanent capital after a vote of the state. People here were concerned that would become a ghost town after the gold ran out. Funny thing, the county had twice as many votes then there were voters.

Montana State Capitol

The Montana History Museum described the people of Montana emphasizing the Indian cultures, mining, and agriculture. They have a dedicated room to the artworks of C.W. Russell who spent most of his life here. He is famous for his art depicting Indians and cowboys.

C.W. Russel - When the Land Belonged to God, 1904

We had a late, great lunch at the Windbag Saloon before heading back to camp.

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