Friday, September 21, 2012

Headed to LA

San Buenaventura Mission

 To make up for some other days, today was almost perfectly planned. We started at San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura. This is another active parish, but was founded as a mission in 1782. We may have seen too many missions by now, this one was not that impressive.
            Then I took a chance to visit the Channel Island National Park visitor center. I was hoping for a good set of exhibits and a park movie, since a visit to the islands would require an all day boat trip. We were not disappointed. The exhibits pointed out that there are some 60 unique species that inhabit these islands. They also had a unique Mammoth that inhabited the islands, about ½ the normal size of the mainline Mammoths (since they had no enemies and food was scare, smaller size helped). The islands now serve as a nesting area for birds and seals, and the waters team with life in the kelp forest. The park movie was really good at pointing out the unique features of each of the five islands.
Ronald Regan Library
We then visited the Ronald Regan library. The library had the usual plaques to read, and lots of Regan artifacts, but they also did a good job of incorporating video and audio – from his start as a radio announcer, to his speeches as head of the movie guild, Governor of California, and President. It really emphasized how both as governor and president, he reduced taxes and cut government expenses, but increased revenues, using the cash for education in California and military buildup in the U.S. It also emphasized his international relations, particularly challenging the USSR to stop the spread of communism and eventually negotiating nuclear disarmament treaties. We were surprised to find Air Force One in the museum (a 707). And even better, they had a special exhibit of Disney history on display from the founding of the studio to many of the costumes and props used in his movies. 

The Pearl from the Disney Collection

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