Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dinosaur National Park

Rabbit Ears Pass

We went up and over Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain Park to start our day. I was quite happy that I didn’t slow traffic anywhere. Fall seems to be starting a little early this year, there were quite a few banks of yellow and reddish gold as we crossed the divide. The Western slope seemed a little greener than in Fort Collins, but the trees still seem to be stressed out from lack of moisture. We also encountered a lot of beetle kill pines as we traveled. Lunch was on top of Rabbit Ears pass, and then we continued on to Dinosaur National Park. Temperatures quickly went from the 60’s to the 80’s. When we were here a few years ago, the quarry area was closed because the building had been buckling. Now they have a brand new quarry building and a new visitor center. It still is amazing to see all those dinosaur bones as they lay in the quarry. Tonight we’re camping along the Green River in the monument.


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