Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tarcoles River

We started our day on the Jungle Crocodile Safari on the Tarcoles River. We did see two big crocodiles and got up close to one of them who nicely posed for us next to our boat. They have a hard time digesting their food. Sometimes they kill their prey and may leave it to start decomposing in the river. They use lots of water and perhaps stones in their stomach to digest their prey. This doesn't stop them from reaching 1000 pounds in weight.
 Crocodile next to our boat
But we spent most of our time spotting birds: cattle egret, great egret, turquoise-browed motmot, great blue heron, bare throated tiger heron, spotted sandpiper, black neck stilt, neotropic cormorant, semipalmated plover, northern jacana and the (pink colored) roseate spoonbill.
Turquoise Browed Motmot
 We ate at a local restaurant and tried the local soup, Colle de Carnet with potatoes, pork, squash, and taro. Then we visited a wood manufacturer who made necklaces, place-mats and wind chimes from local woods. Our last stop was a local leather goods shop, which made purses, wallets and women's sandals in a simple five person operation - a small shop in the proprietor's house.

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