Friday, May 11, 2012

Manuel Antonio National Park

About half of our group decided to take a break today and hang around the hotel. The rest of us traveled for 1 1/2 hours to Manuel Antonio National Park. This is a park where Jorge used to camp as a kid. He told us his camping disaster story: they went fishing for the next day's lunch, but only caught one small fish. On returning to their tent, racoons had gotten inside and eaten all their food.

We hiked to the beach and got a great view of a three-toed sloth, it was even moving! We also got a lesson in camouflage trying to spot a baby green iguana and a red-eyed tree frog.
 Red-eyed Tree Frog 
With his eyes open, the frog would have been easy to spot, but it sure was hard with closed eyes (the frog's, not ours). We also got a chance to spot a Fiery-billed Aracari and Halloween crabs. We stopped for a swim on the beach, one of the world's top ten. The water was warm and beach picturesque. Meanwhile, Mary spent some time with Jorge, showing him the school that we visited on our last trip to Kenya. On the hike back we saw hermit crabs and an iguana, well-hidden in the leaves. All, in all, we had a nature-filled day.

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