Sunday, May 6, 2012

Don Juan's Farm

A slow day - we didn't leave until 10:30 to visit Don Juan's Organic Farm. This farm is only 2 1/2 acres, but it has 36 crops, chickens, eggs, pigs, and cows. It is primarily an educational farm to show farmers in Costa Rica and world-wide how to farm organically. We had a funny, boisterous guide to show us the farm. He showed us the fruit of the lipstick plant which can be used as a lipstick or rouge as well as a natural coloring. Noni fruit which smells like blue cheese, but is also good for cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.

The manure from a cow and calf produces enough methane gas to cook for a family of four. They supplement the 50 cm. of typical soil in this regions with another 60 cm of organic material to help the plants grow healthier and faster. We had lunch on the farm from some of the radishes and lettuce we had picked as well as the Tilapia from their ponds. Not to be forgotten was our demonstration of grinding the cane sugar to get the sugar out and the moon shine that could result.
It was a short drive to La Fortuna at the based on Arenal volcano - the clouds parted and gave us a good view of the entire cone. We relaxed at the pool, since we were pretty hot. As Mary said to me, "we're not sure why they don't cut out this day from the tour, it was pretty quiet.
 La Fortuna with Arenal volcano

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