Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Discovery Park, Union City, Tennessee


Discovery Park, Union City, TN

We spent the day at Discovery Park of America in Union City, Tennessee. This is an eclectic museum with a little bit of everything. Here are some of what we learned: At the train depot, we learned that trains used wireless telegraphs to send messages while they were moving. At Freedom Square, we learned about the early history of Tennessee: the creation of the Wilderness Road into the area and the role of Daniel Boone as a three-term congressman. We learned about the early inhabitants of this land with a huge display of stone tools and weapons. The military gallery gave some excellent history around the Civil War, World War I and WWII, including uniforms, arms, and the meals they served the soldiers. The science center featured changes in technology around communication, photography, data storage and energy storage. I found the display about early photography during the civil war especially interesting.  A lot of their exhibits are replicas, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t interesting. For example, they had lots of replicas of dinosaur skeletons, but a real mammoth skeleton from Russia – hard to believe how towering that mammoth was compared to a human.

Russian Mammoth

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