Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Country Music Hall of Fame, Nashville, TN


Country Music Hall of Fame

We drove to Nashville, Tennessee this morning arriving for a late lunch. Our afternoon visit was to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Understand – we are not huge country music fans, there were many exhibits we skipped because we didn’t know the artist. But we did know over half of the artists. Most interesting were the movies or telecasts that featured the artist and their songs. The highlight of the museum was a 20 minute or so review of country music on TV such as Tennessee Ernie Ford, Hee Haw, Glen Campbell, or even shows like Andy Griffith show or the Beverly Hillbillies. The museum is filled with guitars, mandolins, and banjos as well as the show clothes that the singers were during their performances. We spent a solid 2 hours here and someone more into country music would probably spend much longer.

We had a short walk along Broadway which features many bars and restaurants with loud country music groups. It was too loud for us. Michael Hlas is in Nashville helping his girlfriend, Mel, with packing to move back to Seattle after going to school here for the last year. We went to Edley’s, a barbeque restaurant. We met Mel for the first time and got to know a little about her background, family, and future plans. Hopefully, we didn’t disturb their plans too much.

Minnie Pearl Costume

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