Thursday, January 9, 2020

Nha Trang, Vietnam

Hung Chung Promitory, Nha Trang

Nha Trang is a city of 500K people and lots of tourists, mostly from Russia and China. It is well known for its beaches as well as a theme park that is reached by cable car across the bay. This was the center of the Champa Kingdom from the 2nd century until its demise by the Vietnamese a 1000 years later. Vietnam was independent from this time until 1820 when the French created Indochina. On September 2nd 1945 Ho Chi Minh declared independence and defeated the French in 1954, when Vietnam was split into North and South Vietnam.

Worshiping at Long Son Pagoda

We visited the Long Son Pagoda, where people were worshiping. Our first major stop was the Ponagar Cham Towers, built to the goddess of the Cham people between the 7th and 12th centuries. On top, four temples remain of the six original. The structure is built above the Cai river. 

Ponagar Cham Towers

Of course we visited a local market and enjoyed our $1 beer and finished with a visit to an silk embroidery shop. 

Hand embroidery

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