Thursday, June 27, 2019


Congress Hall

We started our tour inside Congress Hall, the unfinished assembly hall for the Nazi party that was to resemble the Roman Coliseum, but grander. 4000 workers started construction in 1933 providing jobs during the recession. Construction stopped at the start of World War II. The walls are 40 meters high but were to be 70 m. with a suspended roof. The hall is preserved because it was too expensive to demolish after the war. This was to be a “temple" to Hitler used only one day a year during the week long Nazi rallies.

Zeppelin Field 

Part of  11 sq. km. area also includes Zeppelin Field where so many of the Nazi rallies were held that we've seen on old news reels. Over $55B was borrowed to build the entire complex, to be paid back by the people conquered by the Nazis. Unfortunately, we couldn't see Zeppelin Field today because of an upcoming car race.

Nuremberg because it was the cross-roads for many trade routes becoming a major medieval city. But in 1525 it became the first city converted to Luther, losing favor with the rest of Europe until the industrial revolution. In 1835, the first railroad in Europe was constructed here. It was used to transport beer, since going as fast as 15 mph was considered dangerous for humans.

Room 600 Court of Justice

We visited room 600 in the Court of Justice, site of the first international tribunal, when an entire government was accused of planning a war of aggression and crimes against humanity. We had a fascinating historical lecture. Hitler was dead, and the 21 high level defendants claimed that they hadn't broken German law and were just following orders. Evidence was presented that they had broken treaties and had participated in the planning of the war and the death camps designed to exterminate an entire race. Three of the 21 were acquitted .Those sentenced to death were hanged and their ashes were scattered, so that there bodies could not be recovered and treated as martyrs for the cause. The Nuremberg trials became the basis for the International Criminal Court and the charge "Crimes against Humanity". 

Nuremberg Trials

In the market square we watched the glockenspiel chime noon before heading to a lunch of soup and sausage. In the afternoon we went to the Documentation Center in Congress Hall, which explains the rise of the Nazi party. It was amazing to learn how after capturing only 3 of 12 cabinet positions, they managed within two years to abolish all the other democratic parties. Evoking emergency powers after a fire in the Reichstag, their parliament building, Hitler soon became a dictator by holding the positions of chancellor, president, and party leader. This is a fascinating museum!

Mein Kampf 

Right Wing Parties in Germany Today

In the evening, we had a lecture on the rise of the right wing party in Germany today. The current government is formed by a coalition of center right and center left parties, but both are losing voters. On the rise are the Green party and the right wing AFD party. The party started as a one issue party, opposing the bailout of Greece. Now it has come out against immigrants and gained 13% of the vote in local elections. There other stands are against the 3.5M Muslim citizens, against welfare, and claim that all news is government propaganda and love Putin. Time will tell how they do in the next Federal election.

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