Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Navaho National Monument and Salmon Ruin

Betatakin Overlook

Time to head to New Mexico, but we stop first at Navaho National Monument. From the visitor center there is a walk to the Betatakin overlook. While you only see the pueblo ruins from a distance, many of the building here have been restored with roofs, giving a more complete picture of a pueblo. This village had about 125 people in 20-25 family groups.

Closer look

We traveled to Bloomfield New Mexico, where we stopped at the Salmon Ruins, named for the family that preserved these ruins for many years. The unique aspect of these ruins was that they were built by the Chaco culture and then after a hundred years of abandonment, the Mesa Verde culture converted the buildings to their use. The most obvious change was round rooms (Kivas) being created inside of Chaco rectangular rooms.

Kiva built inside a Chaco room

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