Sunday, May 5, 2019


Las Sal Mountains from Dead Horse Point

If you prefer a 7 1/2 minute video of the trip it is available on youtube.

While we’ve visited most of the places on this trip before, we wanted to try a few new sights as well as visit some of our favorites. Our campground was OK RV campground in Moab, an older campground with trees and good internet. Our favorite park here is Arches, but this time we decided to revisit Dead Horse Point State Park and the Island in the Sky Portion of Canyonlands National Park.

Dead Horse Point is named because of the legend that cowboys rounded up wild mustangs and then fenced off the neck of the point. They chose the horses they wanted, but left the others deserted on the point. The point has several beautiful viewpoints. From the visitor center we took the trail to the Colorado River overlook and then on the point itself, viewed the Dead Horse Point overlook.

Mesa Arch

 Then onto the Island in the Sky portion of Canyonlands (the Maze and the Needles being other portions of the park). The visitor center is rather simple here, so we went on directly to our short hikes. The short hike to Mesa Arch provides you a spectacular view of the canyon and the La Sal mountains. At the end of the road is the Grand View Point overlook. You can see several levels to the canyon below you. Deep within the Canyon, out of view,  the Colorado and Green Rivers join.

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