Thursday, January 4, 2018

Tigre River

Yesterday, we were picked up at 9:00 from our hotel, so we arrived at the port at 9:30, way too early to board the ship. But they started the check-in process at 11:00 and we were on the Emerald Princess by noon. We just enjoyed our afternoon reading.

Ornate House on the Tigre

Today, we took a tour to see the Tigre river. The Rio de Plata where our ship is located in a wide river, over 85 miles wide. We took a bus to the end of the Rio de Plata and then took a boat to tour the delta of the River Tigre. Here people live on the islands of the delta. The housing is highly varied from really nice homes to some simple houses which are little more than shacks. Today, most of these homes are for the weekend and summers. We saw quite a few people since it is summer. Everything is boated in – we saw several grocery boats with large supplies of bottled gas and water as well as food. There is electricity and some running water, but the water can only be used for washing, they need bottled water for drinking and cooking. The gas is used for cooking. It was a pleasant little trip through the many small rivers in the delta. We had chosen this tour to get out of the city and see something different and it worked out.

Groceries Boat

That night we left for Montevideo, Uruguay.

Emerald Princess leaving Buenos Aires

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