Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Christ Church Cathedral

We arrived in Port Stanley about 8 AM. The British established this port in 1845 and it specialized in repairs for boats traveling through the Straits of Magellan. Though there are some 20 hulls of ships destroyed by the Atlantic's storms. The town's landmark is the 125-year-old Christ Church Cathedral with a Whalebone arch in front made from the jaws of two blue whales. Most of the town consists of colorful houses with metal roofs and lots of gardens with flowers.  

Port Stanley

The island looks very barren - almost no trees, land mostly suitable for sheep and cattle grazing. Last time, we were here we drove to Bluff Cove to see the penguins. This time we took a 4-wheel drive vehicle to a Gentoo Penguin colony. We watched them for about an hour. Trying to figure out why suddenly two penguins would get into a fight and chase each other around the colony. Most of the time, there were making constant noise, until a small engine plane approached the colony, and then everything got quiet. The other excitement was watching groups of 3-6 penguins head off to or from the ocean to feed. We also had one King Penguin, among the colony, sort of sitting like a monarch above the others. On the way back, we saw UplandGeese and a large flock of Southern Giant Petrels

For evening entertainment, we had a ventriloquist, who was quite good and then Ye Old Pub Night, always a fun interactive experience. 

Ye Old Pub Night

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