Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Grand Junction and Moab

Colorado River Valley on Utah 128

If you'd rather see a 15 minute video of this trip it is available at

We left yesterday from Fort Collins and drove the interstates to Grand Junction. We met with Jim Liewer and his wife for dinner. Jim has changed much – still has quite the sense of humor. We had a fun evening with Renee and Jim sharing news of our friends and adventures traveling around the world. 

North and South Windows

Today, we took Utah 128 through the Colorado River Canyon and felt minuscule with the huge red walls rising above us.  After dropping off our camper, we headed to Arches National Park. It was a crystal clear day and the rock formations really were impressive. We stopped at each of the road pullouts until we reached the Windows area. There we took the trail to North and South Windows and then the trail to Double Arch. It was just a great day to be out among these monuments. 

Double Arch

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