Friday, September 16, 2016

Capitol Reef National Park

Capitol Gorge

The drive to Capitol Reef becomes quite scenic after we reached Hanksville. The rock formations around are just spectacular and that is what Capitol Reef is all about. We reached the campground at about noon and it was already full. This is a lovely campground in the middle of an orchard. This is the first time we’ve found it full, apparently the park is getting a lot more visitors and that is evident by the difficulty even finding a parking place at the visitor center or any of the trailheads. We went on to Torrey and felt fortunate to find a camping spot at a Sand Creek Campground (which only has about 20 campsites). The campground is quiet and the people have all been quite friendly.

The walls of Capitol Gorge

We took the Scenic Road in Capitol Reef Park and then the Capitol Gorge road. We got behind some drivers who were pretty fearful of this road, even though it didn’t even require high clearance. We took the easy trail at the end of the road for about a mile. You definitely feel small as you traverse the trail. We passed some petroglyphs as we walked through this deep canyon. At the end, I climbed out to reach three pools that were filled with water called the Tanks. Tadpoles were living in the largest pool. The temperature was only in the mid-70’s while we walked, but with the sun reflecting off the canyon walls it felt like 90 degrees.


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