Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Great Barrier Reef

Coral on Great Barrier Reef

We sailed from Port Douglas on a 350 passenger catamaran, the Quick Silver 5 out to the Great Barrier Reef. Thankfully, the ship was only about half full. The seas were pretty choppy, so they encouraged everyone to have a couple of ginger tablets. It took an hour and a half to power out to the platform anchored to the Agincourt Ribbon Reef about 1/3 down along the 2300 mile set of 2900 reefs. The facility there was quite sophisticated. We had a choice of activities: snorkeling and semi-submersible boat rides were included. You could also scuba dive or take a helicopter flight above the reefs. I did 3 separate snorkel trips and a trip on the submersible. The blue staghorn coral and some of the yellow mushroom coral was spectacular. I also saw more varieties of fish, then I’ve ever seen: lots of parrot fish, butterflyfish, surgeon fish and a 4 foot long Maori Wrasse

Maori Wrasse

Just before leaving, Wayne took us out to see some of the clownfish he had spotted earlier in the day. I also saw a reef shark and 3 green sea turtles. It was a great day! Unfortunately, the only pictures I took were from the submersible and the colors just didn’t come out well. Fortunately, Wayne also took some pictures. 

Clown Fish

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