Thursday, May 19, 2016

Botanical Gardens, Sydney

Interior of Queen Victoria Building

Wayne gave us a short tour of some of the interesting shopping areas. The highlight was the Queen Victoria Building built in 1890. Built as a shopping center, it has served other purposes, but now is restored as a shopping center. Then we visited the Strand Arcade and Martin’s place, where the 1883 post office has now been turned into a Westin hotel, preserving the original façade, but with a completely new interior. We then spent most of the day in the Botanical Garden, a huge park on the peninsula that eventually leads to the Circle Quay. It was nice to feel far away from the city while in its midst. On the way home, we passed St. Mary’s Cathedral, St. Mary is the only Australian saint. 

After a quick nap, I visited the Australian museum, it had a good exhibit on the sea coast Aboriginal culture, and different exhibit of animal skeletons. Our day concluded with a dinner at a pub in the Rocks area, followed by a walk across Harbor Bridge. Okay, so we didn’t climb the Harbor Bridge (at a cost of $260), but we did cross it!

Australian Museum exhibit

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