Saturday, July 25, 2015

Quebec City

Friday was a travel day through New Brunswick. One part of the highway was devoid of towns for over 125 kilometers going through forest land on a road that was good in spots and bounced us around in others. There was almost no one on it. 

Hotel Frontenac

Saturday, we did a walking tour of the old city of Quebec. The fortress walls surround most of the old city and inside it seems your planted in an old French town. We spent quite a lot of time in some of the old churches – the chapel for the Ursaline convent, the Catholic Cathedral and the Episcopal church with its colorful organ. The upper town has most of the government and church buildings as well as the landmark Hotel Frontenac. We ate lunch on the steps down to the lower town which has a historic square with a church on it as well as many shops selling to tourists. Last time we had visited the Citadel, so this time, I had hoped to go to Battlefield Park which explains the battle between the French and English on the Plains of Abraham. But it was already 3:00 after our walk, we decided to relax instead.

Place Royale Lower Town

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