Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Amana Colonies

This is the detailed blog of our trip to Nova Scotia in July, 2015. If you'd prefer a 6 minute video is available on youtube.

Per usual, we had a long travel day on our first day, taking I-80 to Lincoln, NE. The Camp A Way campground there was just off the interstate, but it was superb with large sites and lots of trees. We’ll use this campground again. Then we headed off on Tuesday to the Amana Colonies. Our intention was to walk a little of Amana and then have dinner at the Colony Inn, a restaurant we’ve coming to for years for the German family style food. But they are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, so we instead went to the Ronneburg Restaurant. The food here was still traditional German family-style, but they didn’t serve the cold sweet sauerkraut that we both love. Still I would recommend this restaurant and don't forget to have a cold beer from the Mill Stream Brewery . We stayed at the Little Bear Campground outside of Liberty, IA.

Amana Colonies

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