Saturday, May 9, 2015

Paris - Day 3

Venus de Milo

Today, we're all heading to the Louvre. We got there just after opening, so the lines for tickets weren't too bad. Rather than everyone trying to stay together, we let everyone choose to view what they wanted and then rejoin at the meeting point in three hours. Mary and I decided to spend our time seeing some of the highlights: the original fortress walls of the castle, the Greek and Roman sculptures including the Venus de Milo and then the 13th to 18th century paintings including the Mona Lisa. We had paid for the audio tour and for us it added a lot, especially explaining some of the symbols within the paintings. We both agreed that one of our favorites was the Four Seasons by Arcimboldo painted in 1573. With only an hour left we headed to the Egyptian portion of the museum. We were fascinated by the Sarcophagus of the Spouses. The many items reminded us of our trip to Egypt over ten years ago.

The Four Seasons

We rejoined the group for lunch at Le Nemours right near the Palais Royale. Here we encountered a band playing for the tourists and later on a string group, what a contrast in music! Lunch was a traditional baguette with ham. The group split up from here. We walked the Jardins des Tuileries, watching all the people enjoying the park, and then onto the Place de la Concorde from where we could see the L'Arc du Triomphe at the end of the Champs Elysee (the most expensive boulevard in Paris). Mary and Cindy headed back to our hotel while I made a stop at St. Germaine des Pres. The place I wanted to get to was St. Suplice famous for three masterpieces by Eugene Delacroix as well as it astronomic features. A whole in the roof causes the sunlight at noon to follow a bronze line on the floor (the French Meridian) and pillar. At noon on the winter solstice  the sun lights up a gold disk at the top. An oval plate near the altar is lit up on the equinoxes, all in an attempt to determine the date for Easter. 

Champs Elysee to the L'arc du Triomphe

That night we met the tour group for an orientation and several glasses of wine. We had a delightful dinner just down the block from the hotel. 

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