Friday, May 3, 2013

Institute to Texas Cultures

We had 2 young couples camped next to us last night. One of the guys even came over and introduced himself. But the wind and the cold must have gotten to them – one couple spent most of the evening in a heated argument. This went on till at least 11 PM, every time I thought it was over they’d start into it again.

Indian Baskets in animal shapes

We quickly left the hill country in less than 20 miles to the flat land headed to San Antonio. We’re staying at the Alamo KOA, a large campground with lots of trees. It’s only about 15 minutes from the downtown area. Our one major stop for the day was the Institute of Texas Cultures. The museum told the stories of the various nationalities that settled in  
Texas, a little bit about their culture, and some of their noted personalities. It began with an excellent exhibit on both the ancient and historical Indians, beginning with the Clovis and Folsom tribes, ending with the tribes we’re familiar with: Apache, Comanche, as well as the tribes that were moved here from the North and the East. Another section highlighted the spiritual beliefs of the Indians, both here and in Central and South America, displaying those beliefs in the carvings of pottery. Not as interesting were the stories of all the European settlers. I suspect it would be interesting if you were of that descent, but there was just too much information to absorb for all of them.

Spinning at the wheel

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