Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ranthambhore Tiger Preserve

White Breasted Kingfisher
Today we had two jeep trips into the park looking for animals. Some animals are quite plentiful: we watched a lot of Grey Langur monkeys with babies, eating together, jumping through the trees or just staring at us. We also saw a lot of Sambar, India's largest deer, some of the males were quite imposing - they look a lot like elk. Late today, many were grazing in the water, when a Spotted Deer let out a warning call and they all headed to shore. Yes, we saw lots of Spotted Deer, many of them fawns. We saw a few Blue Bulls, an antelope. The males are bluish grey in color, the females more brown. There are over 450 bird species here, some of the more colorful ones we saw were the White-Breasted Kingfisher, the Rufous Treepie, the Ruddy Shelduck, the Red Wattled Lapwing, and a Little Ring Plover.

There are about 25-30 tigers and about 30 cubs in the preserve. In the morning, we spotted female paw prints twice, but no tiger. In the afternoon, we spotted male tracks and heard the warning calls of the Sambar. So we knew there was a tiger just south of us. About 7-8 vehicles waited patiently in the general direction that the tiger was headed, but darkness came before any sighting.
Spotted Deer

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