Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bryce Canyon in the fog

Agua Point in the fog, Bryce Canyon

Today’s plan went out the window! We had planned to visit Cedar Breaks National Monument, tour the park and take a short scenic hike. As we left Cedar City on Utah 14, it was pouring rain. The highway climbed quite a ways up, the aspen were colorful, but soon the rain turned to snow. We continued to go up in the snowstorm and passed by 2 cars that had slid off the road. I was pretty nervous with the snow on the highway and a trailer being towed behind us. We saw the turnoff to Cedar Breaks, but it was at the very top of the pass in the snowstorm. This wasn’t the time to tour the park. We continued on and soon enough we came to where the snow plows had been out clearing the road and in a few miles more we were back to rain.
Anyway, we arrived without incident at Bryce Canyon National Park. We staying outside the Park in Ruby’s RV campground to recharge our batteries and make use of the laundry facilities. We went into the park in the rain and fog, but there wasn’t much to see. The highlight for the day was the ranger talk on natural and man-made disasters. I’m not sure what this has to do with Bryce Canyon but he had some interesting stories about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the Johnstown flood in Pennsylvania. The weather forecast is for thunderstorms tonight as well as a tornado watch. There has been 4” of rain here in the last 4 days, that’s about 3 times the normal amount for the month of October.

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