Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Arches National Park - Landscape Arch

Landscape Arch

Time for Arches National Park, last time we were here it was 104 degrees, today the high will be in the mid-70s. We had hoped to camp there, but I didn’t make a reservation in time and the campground we were in also was going to fill that day since it’s the start of a 4 day weekend for school. So we moved to the Moab KOA in the morning before heading to the park. I took a one-way hike down Park Avenue which has these huge towers rising above the wash. At the end of the wash was another huge rock called Courthouse Towers. Mary picked me up at the end and we continued down to Balanced Rock. There were at least 3 other balanced rocks in the vicinity so we wondered why they picked this one?
In the afternoon, we went to the Devil’s Garden area of the park and took the hike to Landscape Arch, taking short side trips to Tunnel Arch and Pine Tree Arch. This is the longest arch in the park, and its shape is so interesting. They no longer let you hike underneath the arch, since quite a bit of rock fell off several years ago.

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