Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tallin, Estonia the old town


Alexandria Cathedral

Our day started with a documentary on the Singing Revolution, the story of how Estonia separated from the Soviet Union over the course of 1987 to 1991. Most of us were brought to tears. I’ll leave the description for tomorrow, since we had the chance to see many of the sites in the film.

View of Tallin from upper town

Estonia has a population of 1.3 million, Tallin has 1/3 of that population. The name means "Danish Town".  It has the same latitude as Anchorage, Alaska. 80% of families own their home. We toured the old town beginning at the upper town with the Russian Orthodox Alexandria Cathedral, and Parliament. The town walls and gates are visible everywhere as we descend to the lower town and the Town Hall, next to the central square. The nobility would reside in the upper town, while citizens, city dwellers, lived within the walls. 

St. Catherine's Passage

In the afternoon, we explored the craft shops along St. Catherine’s passage, a street from medieval times. I went on to see the coastal gate and climb 250 steps to the viewing platform of St. Olaf’s Church.

The Coastal Gate

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