Friday, October 27, 2023

Lake Como



A video of this trip is available on youtube 

We arrived without incident and with baggage in Milan and then were bussed to Lake Como. We’re staying at the Palace Hotel, in the center of town and on the waterfront. Como was founded by the Julius Caesar who had the swamp at the end of the Lake drained and planned the city. Como Cathedral is dedicated to the assumption of Mary. It was built from 1396 to 1740 when the dome was completed. The Cathedral is on the site of a Romanesque church with lions protecting it. Inside are 16th tapestries. Around the city are the remains of the medieval walls as well. The Porta tower was built in 1192 to defend the entrance into the city. Today the city has many villas from the 15th and 16th centuries. We ended our morning tour at Palazzo Volpi, home to the Civic Art museum. We walked through the Medieval art section starting with the portal to St.  Margaret church, then visited the Renaissance and modern art.

Villas in Como

In the afternoon many of us rode the funicular to the town of Brunate, high above Lake Como. Here are several unique views of the Lake. Hoping for some other views I decided to take the trail down the hill. That was a big mistake. Large sections of the trail are poorly maintained and have many loose rocks. Combined with the steepness of the trail and the rain last night, it was difficult to not slip. I managed to tear up my arm on a thorny bush. Glad I had Band-Aids in my backpack.

View from Brunate

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