Friday, February 10, 2023

Final day in Jerusalem


Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover but stayed outside the city wall near the Garden of Gethsemane, the olive press. Here he came to pray and was betrayed by Judas. We visited the olive trees and the modern church designed by Antonio Barluzzi. The mosaic in the interior is faithful to the mosaic from the Byzantine church of 800 years ago. The mosaic above the door shows Christ’s second coming. The deer above represents Psalm 42: As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

Modern Church in the Garden
Then we visited the archeological site of the City of David. Jerusalem was originally a Jacobite city 4000 years ago. It was founded below today’s walled city because the Gihon water spring was here. In Egypt a letter was found where the Canaan leader is complaining to the pharaoh that the Hebrews are preparing to invade. David built his Palace near the top of this walled city. We know because a seal was found where his administrator was named.

Capital from David's Palace
Our final adventure was to wander Machaneh Yehuda market with vendors selling food, spices, baked goods, and housewares. It’s a Friday, the start of the weekend, and the day before the Sabbath. The marketplace was packed with people. The neighborhoods around the market were built in the mid 19th century, the first to be built outside the city walls. We sampled juices, lotions, baked goods and some nut treats. We also experienced a variety of people dressed in a range of outfits. Music was blaring around us. In particular, we were lectured by a weirdly dressed musician, who tried to convince us about something. Never understood what it was, but then he played a song for us on his guitar. It was an experience.

It's difficult to summarize this trip. We encountered three different countries that are at peace these days after three wars, but with different beliefs and political systems. It was a good mix of stories, history, sights, and incredible food. Our eight family members spent more time together than we had in years, we ate together everyday and feel closer than ever. Our group of twenty each day were both curious about the countries and on time, and no one got sick from either covid or a cold. Our guides throughout this journey provided lots of opportunities to learn about the culture and answer our every question. Great trip. A video about this trip is available on youtube

OAT Yellow Group

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