Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Aberdeen, Scotland

King's Chapel with Crown Tower

Sadly, we left the Corinthian this morning and had a brief tour of the city. It was our guides first tour ever. She had obviously studied her history and walked the tour, but her delivery was haphazard. She was a student at the University of Aberdeen and that’s where we started. Fifth oldest of the UK university, it started as Kings college founded in 1495. We visited the Kings Chapel with the Crown Tower above.  Inscribed on the wooden walls are the 524 graduates who died in the World Wars. Outside is a memorial to Bishop Alphanson founder of the College.

House in Fittie 

We walked through the fishing village of Fittie, built in the 19th century. The history of Aberdeen is one of fishing, whaling, ship building and now oil platforms. What was once houses for the fishermen or large ship building yards, are now filled with oil tanks. The most famous ship built here was the clipper ship Thermopylae, which set speed records 63 days sailing between London and Australia, the Cutty Sark was her primary rival. In the center of the city are many granite buildings like Marischal College which joined Kings College to create the University.

Oil Platform being serviced

We finished our tour at 11, but rooms would not be available until 3. Some of us went to a local pub in a former bank for lunch. There were also pubs in former churches nearby. I went on to the Maritime Museum, it told the story of the town. Others visited the modern art museum. Tonight is the farewell dinner of the trip.

Model of Thermopylae in Maritime Museum

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