Monday, June 11, 2018


Tromsø  is the starting point for both polar expeditions and the hunt for polar animals. We visited the Polar museum to learn about both. Whaling changed significantly with the invention of the harpoon cannon in 1863. The tip was loaded with a grenade causing immediate death and hooks sprung out to drag in the whale.Between 1887 and 1904 18000 whales were caught by Norwegian whalers, then whale hunting was banned in Norwegian waters.

Whaling Harpoon

Seal hunting has been practiced for over 6000 years. It peaked in 1919 when 200 ships with 2000 men hunted 370,000 seals. The harp seal with its white pup coat is the most valuable fur, but a 3 weeks old it turns yellow and then a mottled brown at 2 months. In the same area, they would shoot polar bears and round up young cubs which eventually ended up in zoos.

Mottled fur at 2 months old

Arctic fox were also hunted using a simple trap with rocks on top that would crush the skull when the fish pulled on the bait. Tromsø itself has about 76,000 people and 10,000 students. There is evidence that it has been occupied for over 10,000 years.

Box contains a rifle triggered by bait

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