Sunday, August 7, 2016

Boulder Lake and Appleton

Lumberjack Steam Train

If you would like less detail and more pictures, go to youtube and watch the 5 minute narrated video.
First, the story about how we got here. This trip was originally going to be a camping week with my brothers and sister concluding with a 70th anniversary celebration for my parents. However, my mother died in June. We kept our reservations at Boulder Lake near Townsend Wisconsin and spent four days there. The swimming was so-so: a shallow lake with a mucky bottom after you left the beach area. None of us had fishing equipment, but we did enjoy our stay. One day we took the Lumberjack Steam Train out of Laona. The train delivers you in about 15 minutes to a former lumber camp with an interesting video about the life and work in a lumber camp. I was amazed to learn how much they depended upon icing up the roads to deliver trees from the forest to the train stop. There was also an interesting trip into the forest, where they explained the current logging operations and the trees that are harvested there. They don’t replant the trees themselves, but Mother Nature does her thing to reforest the land.

Pulling Logs (on ice usually)

On Friday, we headed to Appleton, and spent most of Saturday and part of Sunday, painting and cleaning Dad’s house. The back porch area and the soffits really needed a new paint job and everyone felt good after helping out.

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