Thursday, July 24, 2014

Reynolds - Alberta Museum

Model T Snow Vehicle

We continued on to Edmonton, Alberta today with our one stop at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum, a museum about transportation. Most of the museum is dedicated to the automobile. They had numerous classical cars from the early 1900’s – electric, steam, and gasoline powered. The exhibit continued on with cars from the 20’s through the 50’s. There was also a large exhibit about the transition from horse drawn farm implements to tractors and the significant productivity improvement that resulted, especially when you considered how many farm resources went to feed the horses. A similar point was made about trucks versus horse-drawn vehicles. Within a city environment they could deliver about 4 times as much product in a day. The unique parts of the museum were some of the early motorcycles, and snow vehicles. Particularly interesting was a kit to turn your Model T into a snow vehicle by adding skis in place of the front wheels and a track mechanism to the rear wheels. In another building was a small collection of planes from an early 1908 canvas and wood up through most of the propeller models through the 1940's. For some reason, there was also a recent unmanned propeller driven plane of modern day. The vehicle collection was much more impressive than the plane collection.

Early Steam Tractor

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